Teaching is the most complex, painstaking, albeit rewarding profession globally; it is responsible for other occupations being able to do what they do.
Science dictates the human mind can process seven simultaneous thoughts, yet the same conclusion suggests an individual can only focus on one at a time.
Classroom teachers are the ONLY professionals capable of debunking this seeming absolute.
Twenty years of neuroimaging has provided a greater understanding of how the human brain functions. To avoid sounding too scientific, in short, human beings can respond to new stimuli (especially educators) and adapt to situations requiring necessary change and appropriate adaptation, which is heavily relied upon to make split-second decisions critical to any moments immediacy when engaged with students and the intent to foster meaningful impact.
Students enter classrooms with baggage from their worlds, be it from homelessness, low expectations, self-loathing, socially constructed, reinforced inequities such as poverty, racism, and ableism, and it is the BRILLIANT AND DEDICATED teacher who recognizes their untapped talents and abilities despite the labeled deficiencies present on their luggage tags.
Actual teaching requires more than using one's core content insight but the heart.
Oh, the roles [we] play in students' real lives!
Hence, the B.A.D. TCHR logo's story symbolizes educators' considerations when planning lessons, when contemplating the whole child and the specific factors outside of the classroom that affect its experiences for both the teacher and their students within it.