The B.A.D. TCHR brand is a global uniform, created to be an intentionally tangible display of solidarity for educators as a means of identification for those of us commissioned to perform [this] noble community service work through an innate calling or default. The latter is often described as a latent talent—nonetheless, B.A.D. TCHR is the catalyst for intercontinental storytelling of our collective BRILLIANT AND DEDICATED experiences by boldly sharing with the world the crucial importance of teachers who are invested in providing students with the schema to access resources beyond our classroom's doors: POSSIBILITIES!

To be a B.A.D. TCHR in the 21st century is, according to many of us, an increasingly thankless profession wherein we are overworked, underpaid and annual salaries are equivalent to educational philanthropy—but one's staying power is fueled by egalitarian motives in a dystopian world encouraging us to forego more lucrative careers. 


[We] believe in the power of education against the financial return on tuition investments and have actively chosen (Monday-Friday) to serve posterity with singleness of heart and mind.

B.A.D. TCHR's subscribe to the belief learning takes place over time. Knowing all levels of students' understanding are never achieved alike but, the pedagogical push prompts one to selflessly delve into the deepest parts of ourselves to meet them where they are in real life, in real-time to equip them (as best as we are able) with the necessary tools to unearth and apply reimagined structures relative to their multiple intelligences for life and living beyond their desks. B.A.D. TCHR's inevitably realize said learning is a Goodwill Hunting pursuit.

Only the B.A.D. are eligible to wear the B.A.D. TCHR label.

Who's on the B.A.D. Wagon?